Uveitis treatment added to PBS

1 minute read

The announcement will provide much-needed financial relief for patients.

Certain patients may no longer need to rely on compassionate access schemes.

Starting today, rheumatologists can directly prescribe adalimumab (Humira) through the PBS to patients with vision-threatening, non-infectious uveitis who had previously accessed the treatment through the Abbvie compassionate access program.

The 40mg/0.4ml pen device has been assigned PBS code 14221L, while the 20mg/0.2ml syringe has been assigned PBS code 14275H.

Both formulations can be prescribed for up to five repeats.

Patients must meet the following key grandfathering criteria to be eligible to transition to PBS-reimbursed therapy:

  • Diagnosed with vision-threatening non-infectious uveitis (the diagnosis must be confirmed by an ophthalmologist, rheumatologist or immunologist)
  • Previously received non-PBS-subsidised adalimumab treatment prior to August 1
  • Failed to achieve an adequate response to corticosteroid therapy combined with at least one immunosuppressive agent.

Practitioners can apply for the grandfathering scheme in real time at Services Australia via telephone or the online system.

Further details regarding the new reimbursement scheme can be found on the PBS website.

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